German Shepherds, Garth Brooks, Comebacks, Best in Show & Country Stars Who Love Their Dogs [Gallery]

In a feat of Garthonian proportions, a German shepherd named Rumor won Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show last week (Feb. 15). Rumor came out of retirement to win the coveted title, much like Garth Brooks coming out of retirement to win country musicā€™s most sought after trophy: Entertainer of the Year at the 2016 CMA Awards.

Perhaps Rumorā€™s win will do for German shepherds what Garthā€™s win has done for German chocolate cakes.

It could be just a coincidence, but it looks like Rumorā€™s win has already had an effect on country musicā€™s dog-loving contingent. Jake Owen and his daughter Pearl added a German shepherd to their family over the weekend.

But is Jakeā€™s new three-month-old puppy cute enough to win Best in Show when it comes to country stars and their mutts? Take a look at these stars and their fury friends to decide who has the top dog(s).

EDGAR AND ELDREDGEā€¦.open for business

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Wellā€¦our family just expanded by two. Everyone meet Johnny and June! #greatdanesofinstagram

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Honey girl.

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my main man, always full of excitement. #ifcousindalewasadog #straightpimpin #Bentley

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