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Fork Over Love

Fork Over Love’s mission is to help communities thrive by purchasing dinners from small, local restaurants and distributing those dinners in nearby neighborhoods where ALL neighbors can come and receive a take out dinner for free.

Learn more about Fork Over Love below, or visit their website by clicking here.




If 2020 has taught us anything it’s the importance of working for the good of all. We are a bridge between small local restaurants and the growing number of neighbors in need.

Local restaurants are so much more than great places to celebrate a night out, they are the soul of every community—employing countless residents, supporting a variety of local suppliers, and infusing our community with deep cultural diversity. They offer joy and nourishment to all those they come in contact with.

Right now, everyone can use the comfort of a hot meal. Our unemployment rate is higher than ever. More and more people are experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. This is why we are paying small, local restaurants to cook for their surrounding neighborhoods—so that everyone can benefit from the strength and power of their neighborhood when they step up to the plate together.

We are a small, powerful group of women, committed to helping communities thrive. If you can join us, fill out an application to cook, host or volunteer today.





Forks Over Love is 100% volunteer. We welcome your skills, expertise, insight, help, and assistance at any and all levels. We understand that there is not one person in the world who has been unaffected by the pandemic, and we know that when we can safely come together to help each other we are able to lift each other’s spirits in ways that we can’t even begin to imagine.

Applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Our goal is to find people who believe in our mission and know the truth of our promise—that when you feed your neighbors like family, everyone benefits.

Interested in volunteering? Click here to fill out an application!
Fork Over Love is also in need of cooks to donate meals & businesses to host dinner events.





100% of your donation is used to purchase takeout dinners from participating restaurant partners so that we can feed your neighbors like family. Our delivery is first come, first serve, and 100% FREE.

Click here to make a one time donation or a recurring weekly or monthly donation.




Click here for a list of locations and to reserve dinner. Locations vary from week to week, be sure to check for an updated list.



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