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Bring the Lites to Summer Nights

Bring the Lites to Summer Nights

We all know the best summer nights are spent with a six-pack of Miller Lite, but who is your other six-pack? Six-pack of friends that is…

Each week look for our weekly Facebook & Instagram posts, Bring the Miller Lites to Summer Nights, and tag six of your friends in the comments with #contest to be entered to win!

You can be one of our weekly $200 cash prize winners plus be entered for our Grand Prize each month, an extra $200 in cash and a Miller Lite Corn hole set!

It’s that simple, Bring the Lites to your Summer Nights with Miller Lite and L.T. Verrastro!

Each weekly contest will end on the Thursday at 11:59pm, the night before the winner is announced. Weekly winners will be announced on June 4th, June 11th, June 18th, and June 25th. One Grand Prize winner will be announced on June 28th! 

Click here for June Official Contest Rules.

Click here for July Official Contest Rules.

Click here for August Official Contest Rules.

