Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sunday Magazine

Check out the latest & past Sunday Magazine shows! Check out Sunday Magazine every Sunday morning, where we shine a spotlight on local issues, events, organizations and groups! Reach out to be featured or learn more! Special thanks to our partners at WBRE who help us to share Veteran’s segments:  with Nick Toma Visit all…MORE

Chase Rice: Bench Seat

Chase Rice: Bench Seat

Our hope is that this song helps people experiencing issues to stop and know that there is help to be found. It is incredibly powerful. The twist is what makes Country Music incredible.MORE

The Ultimate Home and Away Giveaway Deluxe

The Ultimate Home and Away Giveaway Deluxe

You could WIN The Ultimate Home and Away Giveaway Deluxe presented by Pocono Raceway! Enjoy an “away” race in Daytona, Florida and a “home” race at Pocono Raceway One GRAND PRIZE WINNER will get two tickets to the Daytona 500 on February 19, 2023 including two Fan Zone Passes and a $500 Visa gift card to help…MORE

Bring the Lites to Summer Nights

Bring the Lites to Summer Nights

Bring the Lites to Summer Nights We all know the best summer nights are spent with a six-pack of Miller Lite, but who is your other six-pack? Six-pack of friends that is… Each week look for our weekly Facebook & Instagram posts, Bring the Miller Lites to Summer Nights, and tag six of your friends…MORE

Zac Brown Band

Zac Brown Band

Zac Brown Band: The Comeback Tour August 6th | Bethel Woods Center for the Arts | Bethel, NYMORE

FCC Applications

FCC Applications Currently there are no pending applications which require online public notice.  MORE

Fork Over Love

Fork Over Love’s mission is to help communities thrive by purchasing dinners from small, local restaurants and distributing those dinners in nearby neighborhoods where ALL neighbors can come and receive a take out dinner for free. Learn more about Fork Over Love below, or visit their website by clicking here.       If 2020…MORE

Work with Us

Visit the job opportunities listed below for more information about each position. MULTI-MEDIA ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE PART-TIME INTERN For a complete listing of employment opportunities with Cumulus Media, please visit Cumulus Media is an equal opportunity employer / AA Cumulus – Wilkes-Barre 2024 EEO Public File Report If your organization is interested in receiving job…MORE

Beers On Broadway

Beers on Broadway Our Station and Coors Banquet, LT Verrastro wants to send you and a friend to Nashville, TN! Stop by these participating events (don’t worry, new bars get added to the list every week – as we try to hit up everyone’s hometown) – and you could qualify for this awesome trip for…MORE